InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER4 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersionx KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo setup.bmp6 Echec lors de l' criture de la base de registres, l'installation va tre abandonn Failure while writing to the registry, the installation is being abandoned !A Cedimento durante scrittura su registro, l'installazione viene abbandonata !A Fehler beim Schreiben in der Registrierung. Die Installation wird abgebrochenA Fallo al escribir en el registro; abandonando el proceso de instalaci htmlfile\shell\open\commanda Installation de DirectX$ Voulez-vous installer DirectX version a ? (Recommand DirectX est la librairie Microsoft qui g re le son, l'affichage, l'acc seau et les p riques de contr le du jeu. DirectX Installation$ Do you wish to install DirectX version a ? (Recommended). DirectX is the Microsoft library of drivers for sound, graphics, network access and peripheral game controllers. Installazione di DirectX$ Vuoi installare DirectX versione a ? (Consigliata). DirectX la libreria Microsoft per la gestione di suono, grafica, accesso alla rete e controllo delle periferiche di gioco. DirectX-Installation$ chten Sie DirectX Version a installieren? (empfohlen) DirectX umfa t die Microsoft-Biblothek f r Sound-, Grafik- und Netzwerktreiber sowie periphere Game-Controller. Instalaci n de DirectX$ Desea instalar DirectX versi ? (Recomendado). DirectX es la librer a Microsoft de controladores para sonido, gr ficos, acceso a redes y controladores perif ricos para juegos. testdx.exe SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a Directx_versionR Version2 SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a Directx_version \Directx\dxsetup.exe3 Installation de DirectX$ DirectX version a est d install L'installation de DirectX $ n'est probablement pas n cessaire. Lancez quand m me l'installation de DirectX $ DirectX Installation$ DirectX version a is already installed ! It is probably not necessary to install DirectX $ Do you wish to proceed with the installation of DirectX $ anyway ? Installazione di DirectX$ La versione a di DirectX installata ! L'installazione di DirectX $ non probabilmente necessaria. Vuoi procedere comunque all'installazione di DirextX $ DirectX-Installation$ DirectX Version a wurde bereits installiert! Eine erneute Installation ist daher vermutlich nicht notwendig. M chten Sie DirectX $ trotzdem installieren? Instalaci n de DirectX$ DirectX versi ya instalado! Probablemente la instalaci n de DirectX $ no es necesaria. Desea de todos modos iniciar la instalaci n de DirectX $ \Directx\dxsetup.exe3 COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER PRODUCT_VERSIONR PRODUCT_KEYR Uninst.isu UNINST_KEYR ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR PRODUCT_KEYR UNINST_DISPLAY_NAMER Impossible de creer le repertoire destination !, Unable to create the destination directory !, Impossibile a creare la directory di destionazione !, Kann das Zielverzeichnis nicht einrichten !, Imposible crear el directorio de destino! Pas assez de m moire pour copier le fichier !, Not enough memory to copy the file !, Memoria insufficiente per copiare il file !, Kann die Datei aufgrund eines Speichermangels nicht kopieren !, No hay suficiente memoria para copiar el archivo! Pas assez de place sur le disque destination !, Not enough free space on destination disk., Spazio libero insufficiente sul disco di destinazione !, Zielfestplattenspeicherplatz unzureichend, No hay espacio libre suficiente en la unidad de destino. Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier source %s !b Unable to open the source file %s !b impossibile aprire il file d'origine %s !b Kann die Quelldatei %s nicht ffnen !b Imposible abrir el fichero %s de origen!b Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier destination %s !b Unable to open the target file %s !b Inabile ad aprire il file di destinazione %s !b Kann die Zieldatei %s nicht ffnen !b Imposible abrir el fichero de destino %s!b Le fichier destination %s est prot est criture !b The target file %s is write protected !b Il file di destinazione %s protetto da interdizione di scrittura !b Die Zieldatei %s ist schreibgesch tzt !b El fichero de destino %s est protegido contra escritura. !b Erreur No %d dans XCopyFileError pour le fichier %s!B Error Number %d , in XCopyFileError for the file %s!B Numero di Errore %d , nel XCopyFileError per il file %s!B Fehlercode %d , in XCopyFileError f r die Datei %s!B Numero de error %d en XCopyFileError para el archivo. %s!B documentation! data_files! configuration_files! OF1R_SW3D.ICO OF1R_SW3D.ICO OF1R_DEMO_SW3D.EXE OF1R_DEMO_HW3D.EXE OF1RLAUNCH.EXE) LISEZMOI.DOC, README.DOC, LEGGIMI.DOC, LIESMICH.DOC, EME.DOC \CHP? NETWORK( Impossible de creer le repertoire CHP.A Unable to create the directory CHP.A Impossibile creare la directory CHP.A Kann das Verzeichnis CHP nicht einrichten.A Imposible crear el directorio CHPA \PLR? Impossible de creer le repertoire PLR.A Unable to create directory PLR.A Impossibile creare la directory PLR.A Kann das Verzeichnis PLR nicht einrichten.A Imposible crear el directorio PLRA \SCN? NETWORK( Impossible de creer le repertoire SCN.A Unable to create directory SCN.A Impossibile creare la directory SCN.A Kann das Verzeichnis SCN nicht einrichten.A Imposible crear el directorio SCNA OF1R_SW3D.ICO! OF1R_SW3D.ICO! OF1R_DEMO_SW3D.EXE! OF1R_DEMO_HW3D.EXE! OF1RLAUNCH.EXE) LISEZMOI.DOC, README.DOC, LEGGIMI.DOC, LIESMICH.DOC, EME.DOC Le disque destination ne comporte pas assez de place libre, l'installation va tre abandonn The target disk has insufficient free space, the installation is being abandoned !A Spazio libero insufficiente sul disco di destinazione, l'installazione viene abbandonata !A Zielfestplattenspeicherplatz unzureichend. Die Installation wird abgebrochen !A La unidad de destino no cuenta con suficiente espacio libre; abandonando la instalaci Erreur lors de la copie des fichiers, l'installation va tre abandonn Error while copying files, the installation is being abandoned A Errore durante la copiatura dei file, l'installazione viene abbandonataA Fehler beim Kopieren der Dateien. Die Installation wird abgebrochen !A Error durante la copia de archivos; abandonando la instalaci Le disque destination ne comporte pas assez de place libre, l'installation va tre abandonn The target disk has insufficient free space, the installation is being abandoned !A Spazio libero insufficiente sul disco di destinazione, l'installazione viene abbandonata !A Zielfestplattenspeicherplatz unzureichend. Die Installation wird abgebrochen !A La unidad de destino no cuenta con suficiente espacio libre; abandonando la instalaci ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_COMPONENTR ERROR_FILEGROUPR ERROR_FILER TITLE_CAPTIONBARR PRODUCT_KEYR SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\ SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\P SOFTWARE\Lankhora SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a OF1R_versionP SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a OF1R_versionQ VersionA SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a Install_typeP SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a Install_typeQ valueA SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a Renderer_type_gameP SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a Renderer_type_gameQ valueA SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a OF1R_directoryP SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a OF1R_directory% PathA SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a CDROM_directoryP SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a CDROM_directory% PathA SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a LanguageP SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a LanguageQ ValueA SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a 3d_resolutionP SOFTWARE\Lankhor\Official Formula 1 Racing Demo\a 3d_resolutionQ valueA Lisezmoi sinstaller$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - software$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - Direct3D$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - 3Dfx La page WEB de Eidos Interactive ( Jeu Multijoueurs Eidos (USA)( Jeu Multijoueurs Eidos (Europe)( s Internet EidosNet ( Liens Web et Jeu Multijoueurs Tech Support Warranty Free internet play on Connect to the Web Site, Readme Uninstall$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - software$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - Direct3D$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - 3Dfx Eidos Interactive Homepage ( Eidos Multiplayer Gaming (US)( Eidos Multiplayer Gaming (Europe)( Internet access through EidosNet ( Web Links & Multiplayer gaming Tech Support Warranty Free internet play on Connect to the Web Site, Leggimi Disinstalla$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - software$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - Direct3D$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - 3Dfx Homepage Eidos Interactive ( Eidos Gioco Multiplayer(US)( Eidos Gioco Multiplayer (Europe)( Accesso Internet attraverso EidosNet ( Collegamenti Web & Gioco multiplayer Tech Support Warranty Free internet play on Connect to the Web Site, LiesMich Deinstallieren$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - software$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - Direct3D$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - 3Dfx Eidos Interactive Homepage ( Eidos Mehrspieler Forum (USA)( Eidos Mehrspieler Forum (Europa)( Internetzugang via EidosNet ( Web-Links und Mehrspieler Foren Tech Support Warranty Free internet play on Connect to the Web Site, Desinstalar$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - software$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - Direct3D$ Official Formula 1 Racinga - 3Dfx gina Web de Eidos Interactive( Juegos multijugador de Eidos Interactive (EE.UU.)( Juegos multijugador de Eidos Interactive (Europa)( Acceso a Internet a trav s de EidosNet ( Enlaces a sitios Web & partidas multijugador Tech Support Warranty Free internet play on Connect to the Web Site NETWORK( OF1RLAUNCH.EXE1 -3DCARD 0% OF1R_SW3D.ICO: -3DCARD 1% OF1R_SW3D.ICO: -3DCARD 4% OF1R_SW3D.ICO: WRITE.EXE $ OF1RLAUNCH.EXE1 -3DCARD 0% OF1R_SW3D.ICO: -3DCARD 1% OF1R_SW3D.ICO: -3DCARD 4% OF1R_SW3D.ICO: WRITE.EXE $" http://www.mplayer.com1 Uninst.isu1 CD-ROM( Installation CD-ROM. La pr sence du CD-ROM original est n cessaire dans le $ lecteur CD pour jouer Official Formula 1 Racing$ CD-ROM Installation.$ To play a Official Formula 1 Racing$ the original CD-ROM disk must be in the CD-ROM drive. Installazione CD-ROM.$ Per eseguire a Official Formula 1 Racing$ , il disco originale CD-ROM deve essere presente nel lettore CD-ROM. CD-ROM-Installation Zur Ausf hrung des Programmes mu die Original-CD im CD-ROM-Laufwerk eingelegt sein. Instalaci n CD-ROM$ Para jugar con a Official Formula 1 Racing$ , el CD-ROM original debe estar presente en la unidad de CD-ROM. HARD-DISK( Installation disque dur, requiert 51 Mega octets de libre sur disque dur. La pr sence du CD-ROM original est n cessaire dans le$ lecteur CD pour jouer Official Formula 1 Racing$ Hard disk installation, requires 51 Megabytes free space on your hard disk.$ To play a Official Formula 1 Racing$ the original CD-ROM disk must be in the CD-ROM drive., L'installazione su disco rigido richiede 51 Megabytes di spazio libero su disco.$ Per eseguire a Official Formula 1 Racing$ , il disco originale CD-ROM deve essere presente nel lettore CD-ROM., Die Festplatteninstallation beansprucht 51 MB freien Festplattenspeicherplatz. Zur Ausf hrung des Programmes mu die Original-CD im CD-ROM-Laufwerk eingelegt sein., La instalaci n disco duro precisa 51 Megabytes de espacio libre en el disco duro.$ Para jugar con a Official Formula 1 Racing$ , el CD-ROM original debe estar presente en la unidad de CD-ROM. NETWORK( Installation R seau uniquement. La pr sence du CD-ROM original est n cessaire dans le$ lecteur CD sur 1 machine sur 3, pour jouer Official Formula 1 Racing$ Network installation only.$ To play a Official Formula 1 Racing$ , the original CD-ROM disk must be present in the CD-ROM drive of 1 of (up to) 3 machines. Solo installazione in rete.$ Per eseguire a Official Formula 1 Racing$ , il disco originale CD-ROM deve essere presente nel lettore CD-ROM di 1 delle (fino a) 3 macchine. Nur Netzwerk-Installation. Zur Ausf hrung des Programmes mu die Original-CD im CD-ROM-Laufwerk eingelegt sein. Instalaci n red nicamente.$ Para jugar con a Official Formula 1 Racing$ el CD-ROM original debe estar presente en uno de cada (como m ximo) tres ordenadores. COMPANY_NAMER Lankhor PRODUCT_NAMER COMPANY_NAME16R PRODUCT_NAME16R PRODUCT_NAMER TITLE_MAINR TITLE_CAPTIONBARR ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR LISEZMOI.DOC README.DOC LEGGIMI.DOC LIESMICH.DOC EME.DOC Choisissez votre langue:; Choix de la langue Choose your language; language's choice, Choose your language; language's choice, Choose your language; language's choice, Choose your language; language's choice, Choose your language; language's choice English2 Espagnol2 Italien2 Allemand2 Choisissez votre type d'installation, Select the desired type of installation, Seleziona il tipo di installazione desiderato, Bitte gew nschte Installationsart w hlen, Elija el tipo de instalaci n que desea CD-ROM HARD-DISK) Choix du mode 3D par d Choisissez du mode 3D par d Software Direct3D, Select your default 3D mode Select your default 3D mode Software Direct3D, Scelta della modalit 3D di default Scegli la modalit 3D di default Software Direct3D, hlen Sie Ihren standarm igen 3D-Modus hlen Sie Ihren standarm igen 3D-Modus Software Direct3D, Seleccion del modo 3D por defecto Seleccion del modo 3D por defecto Software Direct3D HARD-DISK( CD-ROM( CD-ROM( HARD-DISK( FOLDER_NAMER Jouer Official Formula 1 Racing$ Demo maintenant Lire le fichier lisezmoi.doc maintenant, Play a Official Formula 1 Racing$ Demo now Read readme.doc file now, Gioca a a Official Formula 1 Racing$ Demo ora Leggi il file leggimi.doc adesso, Official Formula 1 Racinga Demo jetzt spielen LiesMich.doc-Datei jetzt lesen, Jugar a a Official Formula 1 Racing$ ahora Leer ahora el archivo L eme.doc WRITE.EXE $ CD-ROM( HARD-DISK( OF1RLAUNCH.EXE1 -3DCARD -1 OF1RLAUNCH.EXE1 -3DCARD -1 edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA $ / : * ? " < > |* Severe SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! Typical, Custom, Compact szDirA ResultA SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! 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